Ajarb Bernard Ategwa: Kwata Saloon
August 28, 2021 - September 28, 2021
38 rue Quincampoix,
75004 Paris, France

Focusing on hairstyling as a source of social connection, the Cameroonian artist’s latest batch of paintings transforms the gallery into an immersive beauty parlor through large, acidic canvases and smaller portraits that echo the posters traditionally displayed in salons and project scenes of togetherness and conviviality. It’s also a nod to the ephemeral salons that pop up at the end of the year in Cameroon—a cultural practice in which both men and women undergo a seasonal beautifying process and partaking in rituals of wellbeing. The vivid colors of his canvases, meanwhile, pay tribute to the pop aesthetic and mirror the sweltering heat of Douala, where Ategwa is based.

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