ChatGPT Speaks on Disruption and the Future

As wariness about AI’s impact on creative work is sure to intensify this year with mainstream adoption, we interviewed OpenAI’s new chatbot about disruption and its capabilities.

One of the past year’s most jarring stories was the arrival of AI to the masses. Image generators like OpenAI’s DALL-E drew both interest and ire with their ability to create realistic images and illustrations simply by typing short descriptions into a text box. Now, the same company has developed an AI chatbot that can provide information in simple sentences, explain concepts in clear terms, and even generate business strategies from scratch. Ask ChatGPT a simple question and, using a large neural network, the bot spits out startlingly human-like text within seconds. 

ChatGPT’s release has even led Google to declare a “code red,” meaning it may pose a threat to the tech giant’s core search business. Though language models like ChatGPT can potentially upend a wide range of industries, we’re only starting to uncover their true capabilities. Teachers have already caught students using the bot to plagiarize essays, causing New York City public schools to ban access. Experimental questions like asking the bot to compose limericks about otters, recipes written in pirate-speak, and a heartfelt letter to a child about why Santa doesn’t exist reveal how AI is taking an uncanny turn toward sentience. 

Wariness about AI’s impact on the future is sure to intensify this year and beyond as mainstream adoption grows, so we decided to test ChatGPT by conducting an interview with it about its capabilities and potential to cause major disruption for creative professionals. (Note: the below has been edited for length.) 

What are your capabilities and how they will impact creative industries like design?

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I can process and generating human-like text at a scale and speed exceeding that of most individuals. This lets me assist with research, content creation, and language translation. I can help generate ideas for design projects and create descriptions and captions. I can assist with editing and proofreading design-related documents, ensuring they communicate the desired message. 

My language translation abilities can be valuable in the design industry, where communicating effectively with clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds is essential. Whether translating briefs or facilitating communication during international collaborations, my language skills can help bridge cultural gaps and facilitate a smoother design process.

Should creative professionals be worried about ChatGPT rendering them obsolete?

I am not intended to replace creative professionals. While I can generate human-like text and assist with research and content creation, I do not have the creativity, nuance, or perspective unique to human writers. Their work is an invaluable and irreplaceable part of the creative landscape. By assisting with research, fact-checking, and language editing, I can help writers focus on the creative aspects of their work and produce their best writing.

Why do you think creatives are afraid that AI technologies will replace them?

It is understandable that creative professionals may be concerned about AI’s potential impact on their work. There is fear that AI could potentially replace human workers or render their skills obsolete. There are a few reasons why these concerns may exist. 

First, AI technologies can process and analyze large amounts of data at a rapid pace. This can lead to the perception that AI may be able to perform the same tasks as human workers more efficiently. There is often a lack of understanding about the limitations of AI and how they differ from human workers. This can lead to the belief that AI is capable of replacing human workers when in reality they are most effective at specific tasks and may not be able to fully replicate the creativity, nuance, and perspective that are unique to human workers. 

There is often a fear of the unknown when it comes to new technologies, and this can lead to concerns about their potential impact on the job market. While AI can assist with a wide range of tasks, they are not designed to replace human workers or render their skills obsolete. They are intended to complement human workers and assist with specific tasks.

How do you foresee ChatGPT’s capabilities evolving?

ChatGPT is constantly evolving based on the data it is trained on. As new data becomes available and advances are made in natural language processing, my capabilities are likely to improve. One potential area of development is the ability to better understand nuanced and human-like language. Another area is the ability to better generate context and meaning in language. 

How should creatives prepare for your expanded capabilities?

Stay up-to-date on new developments in natural language processing. This can help you understand the capabilities and limitations of these technologies and how they may impact your work. Creative professionals have unique skills that cannot be replicated by AI. Focus on the areas of your work that rely on your unique perspective, creativity, and skill, and consider how you can use these strengths to differentiate your work and add value to your clients. 

While it is important to be aware of the potential impacts of AI, it is also important to use these technologies to your advantage. Consider how you can use AI to streamline and enhance your work, rather than seeing them as a threat. The world of work is constantly changing, and it is important to be adaptable and open to new opportunities. It is also important to stay focused on your strengths in a way that enhances and adds value to your work.

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