Ding Yi Draws Lines in the Great Expanse

The Chinese painter further widens his already macroscopic view to the universe at large, finding certain expression via coded abstractions in a realm of deep uncertainty.

“Appearance of Crosses 2024–1” (2024) by Ding Yi. Image courtesy of Ding Yi Art Studio

Here, we ask an artist to frame the essential details behind one of their latest works.

Bio: Ding Yi, 62, Shanghai (@dingyistudio)

Title of work: Appearance of Crosses 2024-1 (2024).

Where to see it: “Ding Yi: Prediction and Retrospection” at Château La Coste, Provence, until Sept. 15.

Three words to describe it: Cosmic, unknown, spiritual.

What was on your mind at the time: The vast, mysterious universe creates a strong interest in me, an interest that stems from the many unknowns that are indescribable. Through the constellation series, I hope to find and establish a kind of certain expression in the uncertain world.

Detail of “Appearance of Crosses 2024–1” (2024) by Ding Yi. Image courtesy of Ding Yi Art Studio

An interesting feature that’s not immediately noticeable: This work brings different visual experiences when viewed from a distance and up close. Looking at it from a distance, the whole picture looks like a night sky with geometrically deformed constellations arranged diagonally on the blue-black background. The image brings a certain diagonal dynamism and power. When you look closely at this work, you will feel the unique texture of the material—the multiple layers of acrylic have been carved from different angles, depths, and shades. Each brushstroke and unit presents a unique visual effect with infinite variations.

How it reflects your practice as a whole: This work belongs to the Appearance of Crosses series that I’ve been working on for nearly 40 years. In the past decade, my creations have been in a stage of “looking up,” adopting a more macroscopic and comprehensive perspective to observe the world. The works in this stage reflect my understanding and expression of the global multiculturalism and conflicts in this era, as well as my understanding of the macrocosm and the spiritual world. Appearance of Crosses has also gradually moved from the pursuit of absolute rationality to freedom and sensibility. This work is a continuation of the characteristics of the recent Constellation series. The collision of purple, blue, and green gives the picture a sense of undulating breath, creates a deep and quiet atmosphere, and reflects my thoughts on nature and the unknown.

Ding Yi. Photography by Zhou Sailan, courtesy of the artist and Timothy Taylor
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