In the Oeuvre of Terence Ntsako Maluleke, Storytelling Runs Deep

With Jackson Hlungwani’s Gift II, the Johannesburg-based painter immortalizes a cherished encounter with the acclaimed visual artist, and imbues it with a human touch.

Jackson Hlungwani’s Gift II (2024). Courtesy of Southern Guild

Here, we ask an artist to frame the essential details behind one of their latest works.

Bio: Terence Ntsako Maluleke, 28, Johannesburg 

Title of work: Jackson Hlungwani’s Gift II (2024).

Where to see it: “Like a Fish in the Water” at Southern Guild (747 N Western Ave, Los Angeles) until Feb 1.

Three words to describe it: Storytelling, nostalgia, vision.

Terence Ntsako Maluleke. Courtesy of Southern Guild.

What was on your mind at the time: Reflecting back, I recall the day I met the great sculptor Jackson Hlungwani. It was 2007 and my dad had taken me to see him. When Jackson learned I too was an artist, he gifted me his iconic fish sculpture. That day remains vivid, etched into my memory—a moment I’ll cherish forever.

An interesting feature that’s not immediately noticeable: Describing what I love about the piece is challenging because there’s so much to notice. But perhaps it’s the interplay of contrasts I find most captivating: the soft gradient of the sky against the rugged textures of the fish. The textures, like carved wood, bear the marks of human touch, acknowledging the beauty in imperfection. Those elements seem to speak to each other, creating a balance that feels alive. This isn’t necessarily something immediately noticeable, but when you take the time and look closer, you begin to see.

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