Jason Seife Meticulously Recreates Persian Rugs

Each hand-painted canvas by the Miami local is a reflection of his Middle Eastern heritage, referencing the intricate details found in Persian carpets, mosques, and traditional Islamic art.

Here, we ask an artist to frame the essential details behind one of their latest works.

Bio: Jason Seife, 33, Miami (@jasonseife)

Title of work: Everything In Its Right Place (2023).

Where to see it: “Coming to Fruition” at Pérez Art Museum (1103 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami) until March 17.

Three words to describe it: Symmetry, harmony, duality.

What was on your mind at the time: I wanted to create a work that felt kaleidoscopic in nature, something that would utilize the ornamentation my work is known for but composed in a way that felt a bit further removed from their traditional “carpet”-styled compositions.

An interesting feature that’s not immediately noticeable: This work is actually a combination of two different designs combined into one. It’s the first time I’ve created a painting this way. The two unique designs are split into triangular-like shards which are symmetrically painted across the canvas

How it reflects your practice as a whole: This work is a good reflection of my practice in both what I’ve explored in the past and more so where I plan to go in the future. By creating this kaleidoscopic composition and removing a clear border, it lets the elements of the painting stand in the forefront. I wanted the painting to feel like a well-orchestrated symphony with multiple elements that harmoniously come together to each have their moment. There isn’t a clear focal/standout point but the balance is evenly spread through the entire surface of the painting 

One song that captures its essence: Great question as my paintings are often named after songs. This piece is actually named after a Radiohead song of the same title. So I would definitely have to go with that track as the best fit.

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