Surface x Leica Photo Studio at Summit L.A. 2018
We teamed up with photographer Mark Mann to document the thinkers, artists, activists, and entrepreneurs at this year's Summit festival in Los Angeles.
By Surface November 12, 2018

Energy is our currency. Be mindful of where you spend it and whom you lend it out to.
—Claudette Zepeda Wilkins (LEFT)
If we can imagine a world of goat yoga and cinnamon water into being, we can imagine one of gender equity and climate justice into reality as well.
— Baratunde Thurston (RIGHT)

Threads run underground like roots connecting you to me.
— Faith XLVII, visual artist (LEFT)
WMYSS—what makes you so sure?
—Lyall Sprong, founder of the design studio Thingking (RIGHT)

If it isn't GOOD, is it worth doing?
—Danny Wright, Good Projects (LEFT)
Don't follow your dreams. Just follow my Instagram: @troyebullock
—Troye Bullock, Good Projects (MIDDLE)
Make Kanye 2006 Again.
— Darius Baxter, Good Projects (RIGHT)

Love me or kill me.
Yves Béhar, designer (LEFT)
You can’t change the conditions of your community or world until you intentionally change yourself and how you coexist within the construct.
—Marissa “Moe Joe” Joseph, dance artist (RIGHT)

Never trust anyone who orders their meat well done.
—Antonio Diaz, Founder of Life & Thyme and producer for The Migrant Kitchen
Ignore the signs; always feed the animals.
—Stef Ferrari, author and filmmaker

—John Couch, VP product design at Hulu (LEFT)
Live a life worthy of life.
—Anthony Romero, executive director a the ACLU (RIGHT)

In high school, I was a straight-A student. Now, there's nothing straight about me. #LGBTQIA
—Jordan Reeves, Founder of VideoOut (LEFT)
You want to feel the light? Listen to the sound of the universe within you ... it is your voice.
—Nacho Arimany, Composer and ‘Musician for the Brain’ (RIGHT)

Small minds can’t understand big dreams.
—Ray Garcia, Chef at Broken Spanish (LEFT)
Most of the time, I feel like I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. But then again, who does? And even if I don’t know, that’s not going to stop me. I’m going to keep going anyway! 👊🏽
— Nadya Okamoto, Founder and Executive Director of Period (RIGHT)