#bettina-korek Stories

Scenes From Serpentine’s Annual Frieze LA Cocktail

On Feb. 15, Serpentine hosted its annual Frieze LA reception at the West Hollywood home of...

10 Unforgettable Surface Moments

Our outgoing editor-in-chief, Spencer Bailey, fondly recalls some of his most life-changing...

The Best of California at Frieze New York

Surface’s special projects editor and For Your Art founder Bettina Korek will make her

Culture Club
Michael Chow Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Mr. Chow

A raucous Chinese New Year celebration at the legend’s downtown L.A. art studio ensued as he rang

Transform and Function

The boundary-pushing works of Peter Shire come to the MOCA Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles.

Mixografia Preserves the Art of the Printed Page

The Los Angeles-based fine-arts printmaker Mixografia takes 2-D reproductions to perceptual 3-D...

Martine Syms is Self-Determined

The artist approaches her practice not only as her own media platform, but as a business.

Know Now: Jumping In

An artist and a design professor propose a new way forward for fashion with rational dress society.