FILM Hayao Miyazaki’s Solemn Swan Song “The Boy and the Heron,” the Studio Ghibli auteur’s purported final film, shines an...
CULTURE At the Long-Awaited Ghibli Park, a Spirited Stillness Hayao Miyazaki’s acclaimed animation studio finally lifts the curtain on its long-awaited theme...
FASHION Loewe Drops a Magical Capsule With Studio Ghibli Adorned with the vivid landscapes and beloved characters from My Neighbor Totoro, the...
SURFACE 7 An Invisible Collection and Beni Rugs Capsule, Informed by Poetry and Portugal Plus, an arthouse cinema’s transfixing film series on the effects of fame, Rosewood heads to...
CURRENTLY COVETING A Handcrafted Vessel and Three Botanical Scents Define Cultus Artem’s Debut Home Fragrance Collection The fine jewelry house and luxury beauty brand follows its passion for artisan handicraft all the...
DESIGN DISPATCH The Getty Villa Closes to Visitors Amid the Pacific Palisades Fire, and Other News Plus, the fashion world remembers Rosita Missoni, and Meta rolls back its fact-checking program.
ART Nick Cave Inaugurates Jack Shainman Gallery’s Tribeca Flagship The first exhibition to be presented in Jack Shainman’s renovated 20,000-square-foot Tribeca...
DESIGN DISPATCH Architecturally Significant Buildings Are Under Threat in L.A., and Other News Plus, a major I.M. Pei museum heads to Shanghai, and Charli XCX asks brands to direct their gifting