Oceans are facing irreversible destruction. The global plastic waste crisis continues to loom large—since 1950, a staggering 6.3 billion tons of plastic detritus have landed in our waterways, wreaking havoc on marine wildlife. This past year, a dead sperm whale carrying 13 pounds of plastic waste washed ashore in Indonesia, whose coral reefs rank among the world’s most disease-prone. (Scientists compare plastic’s impact on coral to a human contracting gangrene.) Dire circumstances notwithstanding, our natural waterways offer an endless expanse of grandeur. Water blankets two-thirds of the earth, yet the near-endless depths of marine environments remain largely uncharted.
This sense of wonder resonated with Juliana Polastri and Ariana Massouh, lead designers at rug purveyor Tai Ping, whose latest line, Tides, pens a love letter to Poseidon. “There’s still so much to be learned about the sea,” says Massouh, who cites the plastic waste crisis as chief inspiration. With Tides, they took a deep dive. The nine-piece collection sails through an array of maritime ecosystems where flashes of dazzling bioluminescence punctuate the ocean’s murkiest depths.