For the team behind Sony’s new Z Series televisions, which launched this summer with the XBR Z9D model, it was essential to think inside the box—literally. Essentially, the Z Series combines two major recent advancements in television display clarity: 4K resolution, which means about 8 million pixels are packed on a screen, and High Dynamic Range (HDR), which improves the contrast and color accuracy within each of those 8 million pixels. Then, a backlight (officially dubbed the “Backlight Master Drive” by Sony) enhances the combined effect of 4K and HDR. “The development of 4K addressed the challenge of reproducing ‘real life’ detail, but you still need great color and contrast,” says Sunil Nayyar, the director of product marketing for Sony Electronics in North America. “With all three elements of detail, contrast, and color, the Z Series [has] the ability to reproduce deeper blacks, brighter lights, and colors of the real world.” Really that real? “The fireworks at the Super Bowl are vivid enough to make the viewer feel like they’re seeing it through their window,” Nayyar offer, by way of illustration. “When watching the Oscars, the jewelry glimmers and the dresses gleam under the lights on the vibrant red carpet.” Now I see.
How Sony's New Television Replicates the Real World
The model, part of the Z series, combines the latest advancements in high-resolution and color sensitivity.
By Rachel Small August 28, 2016Related Stories
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