YoYo Lander Mines Infinite Meaning From a Sweater’s Folds

The California collage artist trods into the knotty depths of human experience through the subtlest of details, like how the drapes and shadows of a green ribbed sweater convey disarmingly complex emotions difficult to express in words.

“Naty” (2023) by YoYo Lander. Image courtesy of the artist and Superposition Gallery

Here, we ask an artist to frame the essential details behind one of their latest works.

Bio: YoYo Lander, Los Angeles (@yoyolander)

Title of work: Naty (2023).

Where to see it: “Yesterday Was Hard” at Phillips Los Angeles (9041 Nemo St, West Hollywood, CA) until Oct 11.

Three words to describe it: Textured: The layered materials and textured surfaces give the artwork a tangible depth, making you want to reach out and touch it. Vibrant: The bright, bold colors bring the pieces to life, creating a lively energy that instantly catches your attention. Narrative: Each piece feels like a story waiting to be discovered, drawing you in with its emotional resonance and hidden meaning.

What was on your mind at the time: My thoughts often wander in many directions, but for the figurative works in “Yesterday Was Hard,” it all began with an obsession over a deep green ribbed sweater. The interplay of its color and texture captivated me, leading me to explore how to express transformative perspectives through abstract means.

YoYo Lander. Image courtesy of the artist and Superposition Gallery

An interesting feature that’s not immediately noticeable: I have a deep aversion to painting teeth, so in all of the figurative pieces featured in this show and previous ones, you won’t find a single gleaming smile.

How it reflects your practice as a whole: My work explores the depths of human experience and its many subtleties. I’ve developed a unique approach to collage portraits, but with this series, I’m excited to include abstract pieces. These new works will help me express ideas and emotions that are difficult to convey through figurative art alone.

One song that captures its essence: “Blue in Green” by Miles Davis has a haunting and reflective quality that perfectly matches the mood of “Yesterday Was Hard.” The slow, expressive melodies and soft improvisations create a feeling of deep emotion and introspection. The piece captures a sense of looking back on tough times with a thoughtful, emotional depth, similar to how the works in “Yesterday Was Hard” invites viewers to connect with and reflect on the stories within its textured and vibrant pieces.

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