Design Museum Holon: Overdose 
May 3, 2022 - September 11, 2022
Design Museum Holon, Israel: Pinkhas Eilon St 8, Holon, 5845400, Israel


Books, food, shoes, chairs, money—everyday objects play a starring role in “Overdose,” an exhibition that explores what happens when common, often-overlooked items get a surreal makeover. On loan from the Galila Barzilai Hollander Collection, works from over 150 artists and designers are arranged into familiar domestic environments inside the Ron Arad–designed museum; but look closer and nothing is what it seems. Case in point: Swedish designer Michael Johansson’s monumental Ghost VII, a wall that on closer examination is found to be constructed of discarded home appliances ranging from toasters to refrigerators to Q-tips. Things that are nearly impossible to notice, as well as to live without.

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