111 Middle Rd, Singapore 188969
According to the World Bank’s 2018 “What a Waste 2.0” report, humanity generates two billion metric tonnes of municipal solid waste annually; more than a third of that isn’t managed in an environmentally friendly way. Against this background of urgency, the DesignSingapore Council commissioned this show to shine a timely spotlight on global waste by demonstrating that, with some ingenuity, discarded items can be given a fresh lease on life. The industrial designer Hans Tan, who curated the show, asked locals to bring in broken objects that carry sentimental value, from a faded cinema ticket to a Casio watch with a broken strap. He then paired each one with designers such as Atelier HOKO, Clement Zheng, and Studio Juju who transformed it into something entirely different, affording it new value. “My hope for the exhibition is that people will experience a value shift,” says Tan. “I want them to want the repaired object for itself and to keep it, which then saves it from becoming landfill.”