Druker Design Gallery,
48 Quincy Street, Gund Hall,
Cambridge, MA 02138
Drawings, models, material samples, and other two- and three-dimensional pieces document the original work and research of architecture firm Machado Silvetti, reflecting the five-decade evolution of principals Rodolfo Machado and Jorge Silvetti. Through their study of the history of construction, the duo has amassed a wealth of primary sources documenting Middle-Age and Renaissance architecture, which they’ve used to teach and train other architects. “The selection of objects and texts reflect the entire scope of the design and building processes and complicate our understanding of an individual building and the minds of the architects who designed it,” said exhibition co-curators Mark Lee and Remi McClain.
Photo: Fountain House, Southern California, (South Facade). Courtesy of the Frances Loeb Library, Harvard University Graduate School of Design.