Alba 1913

The story of Alba1913 spans more than one hundred years and three generations of the Rychlicki family. The apothecarys time-honored remedies are rooted in quality, precision, and harnessing nature’s finest ingredients—all in the name of discovering beauty through health.
With more than a century of experience, Alba1913's expertly produced skincare products work miracles on 21st-century complexions. Its holistic, wellness-focused approach makes its work all the more refreshing.

Alba1913 Face Discovery Kit

As they say, history tends to repeat itself. We use traditional amber apothecary bottles with a modern twist to house our time-tested formulations.

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The story of Alba1913 spans more than one hundred years and three generations of the Rychlicki family. The apothecarys time-honored remedies are rooted in quality, precision, and harnessing nature’s finest ingredients—all in the name of discovering beauty through health.