Archi-Tectonics NYC

We operate at multiple scales of investigation, ranging from objects, to buildings, to urban design. We see innovation not just as a tool to improve performance and efficiencies of the built environment, but also as a way to create a unique identity for each project, with task-specific presence and character.
The LEED design experts at Archi-Tectonics have a penchant for sustainable projects with dramatic facades. (Look to its New York residences at the Brewster Building, 33 Vestry, and 497 Greenwich Street for examples.) Archi-Tectonics is helmed by Winka Dubbeldam, a Dutch-American architect who established the research-based firm in 1994 after receiving her second Masters degree from Columbia University and Partner Justin Korhammer who joined Archi-Tectonics in 2016.


Located west of Soho in Manhattan, we added an extension to a 1900’s townhouse, and wrapped the entirety of the structure in a unifying, rectangular trellis envelope of multiple patterns and densities.Made from a lightweight steel frame and folding panels clad with Trespa™ slats, this “smart climate control envelope” serves as an adaptable perimeter of the building.

We operate at multiple scales of investigation, ranging from objects, to buildings, to urban design. We see innovation not just as a tool to improve performance and efficiencies of the built environment, but also as a way to create a unique identity for each project, with task-specific presence and character.